Know About The Chrome Extension For Salesforce

Everyone is know that Google Chrome is remarkable powerful web browser. One of the best things about Chrome is it’s huge library of extensions. These extensions are generally add-ons for your browser that increase its functionality with built-in applications.
Now there are different types of Chrome Extension For Salesforce. These help you to organise your various Salesforce logins and to full blown the toolkits that are jam packed with productivity features.

Various popular Chrome Extensions For Salesforce:-
1. Salesforce ORGanizer → The ORGanizer Chrome Extension allows you to easily manage multiple Salesforce Logins by adding your regularly used accounts to the app.
Salesforce Logins → New powerful Salesforce login management extension for users. It allows you to login using the security token without verification code. It stores your credentials on your Google account app storage and then synchronizes it between your devices.
2. Logins → This extension manages your salesforce login information and then lets you quickly login.
3. Quick Login As → It allows you to easily login as any other user in your Org, by providing you with a quick view page that you can popup anywhere on Salesforce.
4. Salesforce Developer Tool Suite → This extension is an attempt to make this use case simple and by making the debug logs visible in 2 clicks and without leaving the current salesforce tab.

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