Shopify Salesforce Integration

Shopify application is mainly used for the selling of the products similar like Amazon services. In order to sell the products in the Shopify, the user need to have an online store in it. Shopify is the complete e-commerce solution which allows the user to set up an online store of their own to sell products. It even also allows the user to organize products, customize the store, accept credit card payments, track and respond to orders. And this all is done within a few clicks.

Shopify Salesforce Integration is also enhancing the CRM and e-commerce platform to achieve the new milestones. With the Salesforce Integration, management of surplus amount of e-commerce data is done in very much simpler way than before. Shopify Salesforce Connector behaves like a bridge between Shopify and Salesforce connecting them bidirectionally. It is also helping in intensifying the features of the E-commerce and CRM platform and also by connecting Shopify and Salesforce, the users can easily analyze Sales trends and progress. Also synchronization of customers, products and the orders between Shopify and Salesforce can be done in a simple way.

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Astrea has recently developed a connector i.e. “Astrea Shopifywave Connector” which easily connects Shopify with Einstein Analytics studio. This application has simple point and click Graphical User Interface which is easy to use. This app basically provides the integration between Shopify and the Einstein Analytics studio. This app can be easily downloaded from Salesforce Appexchange.

Here are some of the features-

  • Salesforce is used to manage both e-commerce and also the CRM data.
  • Synchronization of the e-commerce data to the Salesforce.
  • Customers mapped to the contacts and the account objects in Salesforce.
  • Synchronization of the products and the collections from Shopify to Salesforce.
  • All the Shopify stores are integrated to the Salesforce and thus the data management is done more efficiently.