Google Calendar Salesforce

Google Calendar Salesforce Integration includes the syncing Salesforce with Google Calendar in such a way that when an Event is created in Salesforce for a User, simultaneously an event with all the details should be created in all the respective User’s Google Calendar as well. This can be done for the multiple users easily. There is no duplicacy of the events and when an event is removed, updated or moved from the Salesforce then it gets reflected to his/her Google Calendar as well.

To integrate the two applications for making Google Calendar Salesforce Integration, Salesforce is used to extract the tokens and credentials from the Users’ Google Calendar. Also user can refresh the tokens and a batch is created in order to run on the convenient time intervals. Astrea IT Services also designed to manage the CRUD functionalities performed on the Salesforce’s Event and reflect them on the User’s Google Calendar.


In order to eradicate the possibility of creation of the duplicate Events at Users end i.e in Users Google Calendar, Astrea  IT Services added a check in Salesforce which helps in deleting the duplicate event. The Events are created and updated using the unique ids which in turn helps in keeping the separate records and also thus prevents the creation of duplicate Events.

As soon as any Event is assigned to a new User in Salesforce, then simultaneously the modifications are made. The Calendar Event is deleted from the previous User’s Calendar and is then added to the new User’s Calendar. And also any amendments which is made in the Event record in Salesforce is also reflected instantly on the User’s Calendar.